About Us

Since 2004, we have been the market research industry’s statistical, methodological, and data modelling partner. As passionate data storytellers, we deliver the most practical and accessible insights that achieve business-wide impact and help drive better decisions.
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We exist to support our clients’ brands, helping them innovate, win projects, deliver outstanding analysis and ultimately delight their clients.


Gary Bennett


Gary is the Founder and CEO of The Stats People and a research industry veteran (the story started in the early 1990s). He is the industry’s guru for stats advice, data modelling, and survey methodology knowledge. Gary’s expertise comes from such projects as multimillion-pound complex tracking survey budget management at TfL, Project Director roles at MORI, and RS Consulting with multiplex ad-hoc work in both the public and private sectors. He is a fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.

Outside of work, Gary is a member of a local group of archaeologists and is a Roman coin and aspiring pottery buff. He also loves gravel biking and long walks/runs with his Whippet, the newest member of the family since lockdown.

Sarah Venables


Sarah brings her experience from the City of London and is a Statistical Analyst and Project Manager. As the backbone of our team, she makes sure the broader company’s operations, including accounts, IT security, and compliance are running smoothly. Sarah is the go-to person for much of the company’s bespoke excel work, Statistical Significance, and Sample Power tools, along with our computer tabulation, dashboard development, and presentation services.

Away from work, Sarah is a keen member of the pantomime society, also well known in her local village for organising public celebrations and raising money for charities. Besides socialising with family and friends, she loves going to music festivals and concerts.

Gabija Puidokiene

Statistical Analyst

Gabby is a Statistical Analyst and Project Manager at The Stats People with a background in Mathematics and Statistics. She is incredibly versatile and resourceful, with a penchant for high standards and infectious energy. Gabby has developed a reputation for solving complex problems, linking all aspects of our client services, and managing survey hosting services. Originally from Lithuania, Gabby keeps communications flowing in English, Lithuanian and Russian.

On top of statistics, Gabby knows her way around a car engine, unlike other team members. Her eclectic collection of interests, fitted in around a busy family life, include drift-car racing (mostly in classic BMWs), dance, piano and dog handling (with a preference for Cane Corsos).


  • Statistical Consulting

    Statistical consultancy is our core business and our clients see us as the “go-to” team for high-quality consulting and analysis.

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  • Sampling

    We regularly consult with leading agencies and their clients on the sampling and weighting of complex private and national statistic surveys.

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  • Survey Solutions

    Survey solutions is at the core of our business and for those looking for a one-stop-shop we provide the whole package.

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