Statistical Consulting

The Stats People employ BWC2 to assist with the remuneration benefits analysis

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The Stats People employ BWC2 (best-worst case) to assist with the remuneration benefits analysis

The brief to assort remuneration benefits for the workforce

A major high-street fast-food hospitality brand reached out to us for assistance. They sought to identify the most incentifying remuneration benefits for (a) employees and (b) potential employees to stay and work for the company. The main objective of this task was to understand the feature levels driving choice rather than to make simulations of market share. We proposed a BWC2 (best-worst case) approach as the most suitable model for such a scenario.

Data volume

The trade-off comprised benefits such as hourly pay, working hours, annual leave, incentivisation schemes, company pension, and travel subsidies. Each one of the benefits had various mutually exclusive options (levels) that needed testing too.

Challenges along the way

We had to persuade our client not to go down the route of a conventional DCM choice-based conjoint trade-off. That would have been a more complex model and not suitable for this project. Rather, this was a perfect BWC2, given the larger number of attributes and levels; it enabled identification of the benefit options that are elbow points for driving the attractiveness of employment up or down.

The brief

To identify the most incentifying remuneration benefits for employees and potential employees to stay and work for the company.

The choice

BWC2 (best-worst case) approach enabled identification of the benefit options that are elbow points for driving the attractiveness of employment up or down.

The process

Following constructive discussions with the client about the most suitable configuration type for benefit levels in the trade-off in the given setting, the attribute grid was agreed upon. An experimental design was produced with a checklist for programmers. The modelling and simulator prep work was carried out using interim data to minimise turnaround time upon the close of fieldwork.


Unlike a standard DCM, BWC2 places all benefit options (levels) on the same scale enabling a full comparison of the attractiveness of levels of one benefit with levels of another. As with different types of trade-off, benefit options or benefit types as a whole can be toggled on and off in the simulator to see the dynamics of how benefits re-prioritise among the remaining options. This provides valuable insights for the employer.

The process

An experimental design was produced with a checklist for programmers.


Benefit options or benefit types as a whole can be toggled on and off in the simulator to see the dynamics of how benefits re-prioritise among the remaining options.


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