The Lab

Statistical Significance Batch-Testing Tool for Multiple Items 

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Author: Sarah Venables

There are several statistical tests that can provide insight into the significance between data sets and our original testing tool could only compare up to two items.

The version available for download below has been developed to enable comparison of multiple items or columns of data simultaneously. The tool has an easy to use interface in Excel.  Significance at selected confidence levels is provided between the data items (yes/no). By pressing the toggle button, the p value for a pair of items is displayed.

A Bonferroni correction has been added to each test to reduce the chances of obtaining false-positive results which could occur when multiple pair wise tests are performed on a single set of data.

We have also incorporated the two-way Chi-Squared test of independence between two categorical measures.

A download of the Batch Testing Tool Version 3 can be accessed here. This file can only be run in Excel for Windows.

If you are unable to download, email us at to receive the tool. If, after download, the file has been blocked by Microsoft, save the file and remove Mark of the Web from the file in explorer. To remove, right-click on the file, choose Properties, and then select the Unblock checkbox on the General tab. This file has a digital signature certificate attached. Save the file to a trusted location on your network and open or add The Stats People as a trusted publisher.


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